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In “Megunica” four friends take a mind-broadening odyssey through Latin America, with acclaimed public artist Blu. With a penchant for drawing and public art, Blu started painting walls around his native Bologna in 2000. His pieces often cover entire sides of building — most recently the Tate Modern. In the fall of 2006, Blu, joined by filmmaker Lorenzo Fonda, and two friends documented an unscripted trip across South and Central America. They entitled the project: Megunica. It’s a combination road trip, cultural exchange, street art exploration, and animated journey designed to stimulate the senses. Blu’s artistic endeavors lead him through MExico, GUatemala, NIcaragua, Costa Rica and Argentina– hence the acronym “Megunica”. With local guides and street artists leading the way, Blu creates his art far from the terrain of the average tourist, but close to the hearts of the people.

Official “Megunica” website
