was established in 2002 to cover the wide range of rhythmic music being created around the world. MundoVibes traverses the globe for the freshest music from a wide spectrum of sounds, both urban and rural. It’s roots music, from the source. Beats from the drum. Music that is soulful, deep, rhythmic. Pulsing grooves by DJs, producers and musicians. World music, jazz, spiritual, underground and beyond.

Contact us at [email protected]

Founder & Editor

John C. Tripp


Rose Parfitt
Fabien Vouillon
Jon Freer
Lorie Caval
Velanche Stewart
Koen Mariën
Katie Wharton
Peter Nicholson
Christopher Grass
Sam Chennault

We are always receptive to contributions. No pay, but great exposure.

Write us at [email protected]
